A Quick Guide To Website Speed Optimization- What All You Should Know

The speed or performance of a website is something which should never be ignored when it comes to conquering the online market. An uninspiring website results in decreased sales volume, decreased traffic and decreased consumer base. A slow loading website exasperates users and compels them to leave at that very moment. This guide covers allRead More

Evolution Of WordPress: Calypso

Past few days, Automattic (the company behind WordPress) has been in the news, for making an official announcement of introducing Calypso – a new admin interface for managing the WordPress websites. This revolutionary step is receiving the mixed reactions from developers and users across the globe. Some have applauded, some are confused and while theRead More

Flux Application Architecture:All That You Wished to Know

Building client side web application has always been an area where the maximum efforts of the software engineers and developers have been put in. Flux is a newly introduced application architecture that is used by Facebook to build such applications in the most efficient way. It is used in conjugation with the React™s Composable viewRead More

CSSX: The Magical Culmination of CSS and JavaScript

JavaScript has been injecting life to the websites for a long time and has only evolved since its inception. It is dynamic in every sense and is associated with web development to an extent that one cannot fathom it without JavaScript. Earlier, the use of JavaScript was confined to writing the backend code but swiftlyRead More

Checklist for Publishing a WordPress Theme on ThemeForest

ThemeForest is among the most reputed online marketplaces for WordPress themes, HTML templates, plugins and a lot of other resources. Naturally, they are very particular about the quality of the WordPress themes that are requested to be published on ThemeForest. This is the reason why buyers from around the world trust ThemeForest when it comesRead More

theem’on Offers Massive Discounts That You Can’t Afford To Miss

theem’on is all set to cool things off this summer. If you are planning to build a WordPress website or require HTML templates, theem’on has some immensely rewarding deals for you. Being a premium provider of WordPress theme, HTML templates, email templates & other resources, theem’on has come up with summer offers that will beRead More