Standard Post etc.

Updated on February 5, 2018 in Hit - Corporate Wordpress Theme
1 on August 29, 2017


<div style=”font-size: 10pt; font-family: ‘Arial’; color: #000000;”>

The portfolio archiv includes the following text: Standard Post.
The same in the blog (Text: Gallery Post, Standard Post) with some posts I think it does not belong here.
For the demo is probably the right thing. But in the official theme probably not.

In which PHP file can I change this?

Reg: Sticky or whatever.
In my picture you can see a pen and a sticky icon on the upper right.
This makes no sense if this is not usable.

In which PHP file can I change this?

Okay, i can use
css display
: none for both
I can use it, but I think other buyers will have the problem itself. And hiding is not the solution.
Best regards
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0 on February 5, 2018


To remove icons, please follow instructions shared in this screenshot:

File Location: [ThemeDIR] hit\content\format\ Files: standard.php


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